Shrink wrap

Shrink wrap

How does shrink wrap work?
Shrink wrap is an effective way to keep out rain and wind.
Once applied, the shrink wrap is heated using a gas burner, which causes it to shrink and obtains its strength after cooling down.

Shrink wrap is available in different thicknesses, the choice depending on a number of factors:
- Durability (how long should it remain)
- Application
- Customer requirements

The most common thicknesses are 300 Mμ and 350 Mμ.
For safety reasons, we only work with non-flammable (NF) shrink wrap.
An important feature of NF shrink wrap is that if exposed to fire, it only smelts, but does not catch fire.
For example, holes may form when performing grinding work, but the wrap will not burn. 

Over the past 10 years we have become one of the biggest players on the Benelux market for shrink wrap.
A high percentage of our shrink wrapping activities is conducted in cooperation with renowned scaffolding construction companies.
Within the petrochemical, industrial and ship building sectors, we wrap various scaffolds daily so that blasting, welding and coating applications can be performed dry and in an environmentally responsible manner.
We also wrap luxury yachts, vehicles and machines.
In such cases the shrink wrap serves as protection during transport and/or storage.


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